
The Power of a Fresh Start


Meet Michael, a therapist from Ann Arbor, Michigan, who is dedicated to helping individuals recover from addiction. His inspiring story is about personal triumph, giving back, and empowerment. At Lake Trust, we are humbled and grateful to be a small piece of his story, helping give people the tools for a fresh start.


Michael's remarkable journey is one of struggle, triumph, inspiration, and the power of helping others. After an injury, Michael was prescribed opiates for pain and quickly fell victim to the opioid epidemic. Soon, he found himself dealing with a world he never thought he’d see: law enforcement, the court system, and a community with little help to offer. It was near his lowest point when he was able to find therapists to help him with his addiction. He credits them with saving his life. He was so moved by the experience that he was inspired to become a therapist himself, helping others on their journeys of recovery.


“There’s some sad stories, there’s some glorious stories or some good achievements, and I’m just trying to pass on what was given to me.”

Through his personal struggle, Michael faced many barriers in life, including severe financial limitations. He received support from Lake Trust, where he found empathy, education, and a willingness to say yes. He learned about financial concepts that were essential to building a better life for himself and his family. Now, in turn, he can help other people in his practice with those same values.



Michael sees patients that society has largely cast aside: those dealing with extreme situations including addiction and prison. It is his mission to help them re-enter society, contribute, and live full lives. He strongly believes that mental health disorders, including addiction, should not be stigmatized, and that society must play a major role in helping individuals get back on their feet. This includes therapy, but also must include basic life skills like budgeting, credit, appropriate credit card use, and more. Such support is essential to re-entering society and becoming self-reliant and independent. He refers his clients to Lake Trust often for education and basic financial tools.


“Everybody needs help from somebody and eventually that help leads to more open doors.”


Today, Michael is fulfilling his purpose by helping others remove barriers in their lives. He also looks forward to continuing his own remarkable life journey with his wife and son. His next step? Looking for a house with a yard so their family can enjoy playing with their dogs. And here at Lake Trust, we can’t wait to help him get there.


That’s the power of purpose.


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